Tiny Miracle: A Preemie Kitten Finds a New Home and Family’s Love After Being Rejected by Cat Mom

Preemie Kitten Rejected by Cat Mom, Finds Love in Family that Saves Her Life

Hazel, the small calico cat, faced many challenges from the moment she was born. Born prematurely, she was the sole survivor of her litter.
Despite the setbacks she encountered early on, Hazel was resilient and determined to thrive.

A little while back, Katerina from CatRescue 901 in New South Wales, Australia, was made aware of a group of kittens born to an unspayed house cat in distress. The indoor cat had unexpectedly gotten pregnant after slipping out the door one day, resulting in a difficult birth where some of the kittens were stillborn.

The cat mother was overwhelmed and stressed, unable to nurse the kittens due to a lack of milk. Two surviving kittens were rescued and brought to Katerina, who took them to the vet for a check-up. It was confirmed that they were premature, and unfortunately, one of the kittens, a little boy, passed away shortly after being brought home.

Katerina’s determination grew as Hazel emerged as the only one to survive. Despite her small size of 79 grams and fragile state, Katerina refused to lose hope. “I dedicated myself to feeding her every two hours, sacrificing sleep out of concern for her well-being,” shared Katerina with Love Meow.

When Katerina first found the tiny calico kitten, she was only a few days old and already facing an umbilical infection. Katerina devoted all her time to feeding the kitten and helping her regain strength. Throughout the following weeks, there were many moments of uncertainty where Katerina feared the kitten wouldn’t survive. Hazel even had to make a trip to the vet due to suspicions of fading kitten syndrome. Despite the challenges, the little calico showed incredible resilience and fought hard to stay alive.

Katerina, the affectionate calico, adores cozying up to her foster parents. She turns on her soft purr and nods off in their embrace. “My heart just fills with joy when I see her, and I can’t help but shed tears of happiness when she curls up with my partner,” Katerina shared. “Despite the challenges of the past few weeks, having this beautiful girl with us has been a true blessing.”

Katerina’s calico cat started to flourish after numerous trips to the vet, numerous nights of little sleep, and plenty of cuddles and kisses.
“With attentive care and heaps of love from both me and my partner, she managed to come out stronger. She’s a total diva and quite mischievous,” Katerina shared.

Thanks to the assistance of CatRescue 901, Hazel’s cat mom has been spayed and given vaccinations, ensuring that she will not have any more kittens in the future.
Hazel is doing great in her foster home, receiving plenty of cuddles from her foster dad!

Katerina, the tiny premature baby, has transformed into a delightful fluffy ball bursting with vitality and overflowing with charm.

Katerina’s foster kitten, Hazel, recently reached the five-week mark, and she’s absolutely thriving. Hazel delights in snuggling up in her foster mom’s arms, contentedly purring away as she enjoys some gentle belly rubs.

It’s amazing how much things can change in just a couple of weeks!

Katerina’s latest news: now six weeks old!

Katerina and her closest pal, Gordon, share a special bond that can’t be broken.

Stay updated on Hazel’s progress by following Katerina on Facebook. If you’re interested in contributing to the rescue mission, check out how you can lend a hand by clicking here. Witness Hazel’s growth in this heartwarming video:

Don’t forget to tell your friends about this story.

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